Holding Tank Heaters - Optional Your coach may be optionally equipped with black water and grey water holding tank heaters to allow use of waste utilities in freezing temperatures. The holding tank heater power switch is located near the monitor panel. The illuminated switch will glow when the power is on. DO NOT operate the holding tank heaters unless you are providing a supplemental 12-volt power source to recharge the house batteries. This means either the shoreline cord must be plugged into a 110-volt source, or the auxiliary generator must be operating, or the chassis engine must be running (such as when driving down the road). These three sources can prevent excessive discharge of the house battery. NOTE: The holding tank heater pads are electrical resistance type heating elements. This type of heating element typically uses a large amount of current while operating. If the tank heaters are used without a recharging source, they will drain the house batteries in a relatively short period. Typically the batteries would not support overnight heating without a supplemental charging source.
Danke, gut zu wissen fürs nächste mal.
Hi Beate,
...unsere Womos von Canadream (MH A) hatten auch eine Tankheizung !
Munter bleiben
Scout WoMo-Abenteuer.de
In den USA (Apollo, Road Bear) sind am Panel auch die Schalter für die Tankheizungen, sie sind aber (meines Wissens) nicht eingebaut.
Liebe Grüße Gerd
< Wir stehen an der Seite der Ukraine >
Hi Gerd,
.... ja, habe ich in den USA auch noch nicht erlebt!
Munter bleiben
Scout WoMo-Abenteuer.de
ich vermute das es dieses Feature nur in (manchen) kanadischen Womos verbaut ist.
section 7 plumbing systems - Winnebago
Holding Tank Heaters - Optional Your coach may be optionally equipped with black water and grey water holding tank heaters to allow use of waste utilities in freezing temperatures. The holding tank heater power switch is located near the monitor panel. The illuminated switch will glow when the power is on. DO NOT operate the holding tank heaters unless you are providing a supplemental 12-volt power source to recharge the house batteries. This means either the shoreline cord must be plugged into a 110-volt source, or the auxiliary generator must be operating, or the chassis engine must be running (such as when driving down the road). These three sources can prevent excessive discharge of the house battery. NOTE: The holding tank heater pads are electrical resistance type heating elements. This type of heating element typically uses a large amount of current while operating. If the tank heaters are used without a recharging source, they will drain the house batteries in a relatively short period. Typically the batteries would not support overnight heating without a supplemental charging source.
< Wir stehen an der Seite der Ukraine >
Danke Gerd,
gut zu wissen.