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Homestead National Historical Park, Beatrice, Nebraska

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Bild von Bernhard
Beigetreten: 21.08.2009 - 15:31
Beiträge: 16088
Homestead National Historical Park, Beatrice, Nebraska

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National Historical Park zur Erinnerung an die Landnahme im Westen: hier steckte der Siedler Daniel Freeman als erster wenige Minuten nach dem Inkrafttreten des Homestead Act 1862 seinen Besitz ab.


Places to go

Wikipedia (deutsch)

Wikipedia: Homestead Act

The Homestead Act of 1862 allowed anyone over 21 years of age or the head of a household to apply for free federal land with two simple stipulations:

  1. Be a citizen of the United States or legally declare their intent to become one

  2. Did not fight against the United States or aid enemies of the United States

Nearly four million homesteaders settled land across 30 states over 123 years. These stories have remained largely untold. Homestead National Historical Park is working to collect and share the stories of homesteaders.


40° 17' 7.357" N, 96° 49' 26.717" W


8523 NE-SR-4
68310 Beatrice , NE
Vereinigte Staaten
40° 17' 7.3572" N, 96° 49' 26.7168" W
Nebraska US

Scout Womo-Abenteuer.de

Was hilft aller Sonnenaufgang, wenn wir nicht aufstehen (G.C. Lichtenberg)