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Boondocking Rimini Road, Helena-Lewis and Clark National Forest, Helena, Montana

Boondocking entlang der Rimini Road (gut befahrbare Dirt Road) in der Nähe von Helena, Montana. Es gibt verschieden große (eher wenig) und kleine Buchten für Dispersed Camping. Camping startet an der Ten Mile Picknick Area (in Richtung Süden fahrend).

Gates of the Mountains, Helena, Montana

Nestled half way between Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks sits the Gates of the Mountains. Located 20 miles north of Helena we are one of Montana's not to miss destinations. When planning your Montana vacation of a lifetime do not miss the Gates of the Mountains. For over 125 years guests have been following in the path of Lewis and Clark exploring the "Gates of the Mountains". Today the marina and boat tour is operated by the Gates of the Mountains Inc, whose goal is to protect, educate, and allow visitors to explore one of the last best places. Today... - See more at: http://www.gatesofthemountains.com/#sthash.IxdBHPWb.dpuf

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Auf halbem Weg zwischen Yellowstone  und Glacier National Park  finden sich im Verlauf des Missouri River diese bis zu 1200 ft. hohen Felsformationen, durch die sich der Fluss seinen Weg  geschaffen hat.