Kurzer Trail (0,9 mls) zu den Baby Bathtubes. Lädt zum kinderfreundlichen klettern und spielen am Bachlauf ein. Fußläufig vom Amphitheater Campground erreichbar.
38° 1' 4.627" N, 107° 39' 54.932" W
Amphitheater Campground Road
, CO
Vereinigte Staaten
38° 1' 4.6272" N, 107° 39' 54.9324" W
See map: Google Maps
Colorado US
Baby Bathtubs Trail is a 0.9 mile moderately trafficked out and back trail located near Ouray, Colorado that features beautiful wild flowers and is good for all skill levels. The trail offers a number of activity options and is best used from May until September. Dogs are also able to use this trail but must be kept on leash.
Oben und unten: Unser Besuch im September 2015
Unten: Straße vom Amphitheater Campground nach Ouray. Nach knapp 1 mls zweigt der beschilderte Trail ab.