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Titan Missile Museum, Sahuarita, Arizona

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Beate 'road runner'
Bild von Beate 'road runner'
Beigetreten: 10.11.2010 - 14:07
Beiträge: 3071
Titan Missile Museum, Sahuarita, Arizona

Es handelt sich um eine, in ihrem Silo stehende,  mit Atomsprengköpfen bestückte Titan II Interkontinentalrakete, welche von 1963 - 1984 ständig einsatzbereit war.

Etwa 20 mi südlich von Tucson, bei Green Valley an der I-19 befindet sich das Titan Missile Museum.Mittlerweile in ein Education und Reserch Center umgewandelt. Die gefürchtete Waffe diente zur Abschreckung während des kalten Krieges, zusammen mit 53 weiteren ihrer Art. Zu besichtigen ist auch die Kommandozentrale mit sämtlichen Steuerungssystemen.


Es werden unterschiedliche Touren angeboten.  Wir verbrachten äußerst informative 1 1/2 Stunden auf dem Gelände. 

Auszug der Homepage:

 "Duck and Cover!" Bomb shelters, the Berlin Wall, weekly tests of the Emergency Broadcast System, the piercing sounds of air raid sirens, and the Space Race. These are the hallmarks of the "Cold War" era.

The Titan Missile Museum showcases the dramatic vestiges of the Cold War between the U.S. and former Soviet Union and provides a vivid education about the history of nuclear conflict-a history of keeping the peace.

At the Titan Missile Museum, near Tucson, Arizona, visitors journey through time to stand on the front line of the Cold War. This preserved Titan II missile site, officially known as complex 571-7, is all that remains of the 54 Titan II missile sites that were on alert across the United States from 1963 to 1987.

Able to launch from its underground silo in just 58 seconds, the Titan II was capable of delivering a 9-megaton nuclear warhead to targets more than 6300 miles (10,000 km) away in about 30 minutes. Nowhere else in the world can visitors get this close to an intercontinental ballistic missile in its operational environment. This one-of-a kind museum gives visitors a rare look at the technology used by the United States to deter nuclear war. What was once one of America's most top secret places is now a National Historic Landmark, fulfilling its new mission of bringing Cold War history to life for millions of visitors from around the world.


31° 54' 9.742" N, 110° 59' 57.653" W


1580 Duval Mine Road
85614 Sahuarita , AZ
Vereinigte Staaten
31° 54' 9.7416" N, 110° 59' 57.6528" W
Arizona US

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Beate 'road runner'
Bild von Beate 'road runner'
Beigetreten: 10.11.2010 - 14:07
Beiträge: 3071
RE: Titan Missile Museum, Sahuarita, Arizona

Liebe Grüße,

Unser Reiseblog 5Jahreszeiten